Contributors- English

  • María José Corzo Meléndez

    María José Corzo is a Peruvian lawyer specializing in human rights. María also serves as Parliamentary Coordinator of the Population Research Institute and member of Origen - Vanguardia y Cambio Cultural.

  • Illés Katona

    Illés Katona is a law student at ELTE University in Budapest, Hungary. He is passionate about public affairs, with a focus on international relations, youth and development. He has been involved in numerous projects in Hungary and beyond, and is now leading a national youth association. On quiet days, he racks his brain on big questions like "How AI should be handled?" or "What human dignity means in the 21st century?"

  • Tito Mwenda

    Tito Mwenda grew up in rural Meru, Kenya and currently resides in Nairobi. Tito holds a specialization in Economics and Finance from Mount Kenya University. In his free time, he enjoys reading fictional books and helping the youth in the defense of the church, family, and country.

  • Brandon Evans

    Brandon James Asunción Evans is an American Writer from Pennsylvania. He graduated from Drexel University studying history and political science. Brandon aims to pursue a career in Sports Journalism, Broadcasting and Media, specifically looking at the sport of worldwide soccer. Brandon is a devout Catholic and his faith plays a major role in how he views history, politics, social issues and the world around him.

  • Charles Lepski

    Charles Lepski is a law student at University of Nairobi, Kenya. He is passionate about humanitarian works, particularly at the intersection between law and morality. Charles is also passionate about mental well-being, an often overlooked aspect in the health sector. During his free time, he participates in voluntary sustainability and environmental conservation projects.

  • Iulia-Elena Cazan

    Iulia Cazan graduated from Drexel University in June 2023 with a degree in Political-Science and minors in French and Philosophy.

    An activity she cherished during college was joining weekly philosophical seminars and book clubs at the Collegium Institute, where, together with a cohort of intellectually curious students, she explored the connections between the legal field, virtue, theology, and the works of classical and medieval philosophers.

    In her free time, Iulia enjoys reading, going on walks, and learning about the stories behind those who bring beauty into the world through artistic expression.

  • Paula Stenkamp

    Paula Stenkamp is a Public Relations major at the University of Texas at Austin and a Christ-follower. She loves to write and is interested in exploring issues surrounding the family, free speech and the dignity of human life. She plans on pursuing a law degree and in her free time she likes to run and read.

  • Bob Bruno Tera

    Bob Bruno Tera is in his final year pursuing a law degree from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Beyond his studies, he is actively engaged in various legal advocacy initiatives. He was born in Meru, Kenya, and he has been a resident of Kenya ever since.

  • Timothy Waigolo

    Timothy Waigolo, aged 26, is a life and family advocate residing in Uganda. Over the past three years, he has dedicated his time to volunteering with HLI - Uganda, gaining knowledge and skills required to safeguard the sanctity of life and the institution of the family.

Contributors- Spanish

  • Pablo A. Proaño

    Pablo A. Proaño trabaja como coordinador general del estudio jurídico sin fines de lucro "Dignidad y derecho", que es pionera en defensa jurídica y litigio estratégico en derechos humanos en Ecuador. Durante sus estudios en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito desarrolló un profundo interés por el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. También ha realizado varios diplomados en Teología y Filosofía Aristotélica en Colombia, México y Estados Unidos. Actualmente, culminó su masterado en Derecho Constitucional por la Universidad Particular de Loja. Ha participado en numerosas conferencias, programas internacionales y entrevistas. Además, ha sido invitado en múltiples ocasiones a participar como experto invitado en sesiones de la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador. 

  • Daniela Garcia

    Daniela García se incorporó a la Coalición Internacional de Jóvenes como su directora a principios de 2022. Nacida y criada en Colombia, se graduó de la Universidad del Norte como Comunicadora Social y Periodista en 2019.

    Daniela es una apasionada de la juventud y cree profundamente que movilizarlos en la defensa de los valores de la vida y la familia realmente puede marcar una diferencia en el mundo. También disfruta crear y contar historias que puedan dar lugar a conversaciones y, lo más importante, a la acción.

    Daniela actualmente vive en Barranquilla, en la costa norte de Colombia donde reside con su familia.

  • Audry Suarez

    Mi nombre es Audry Dayana Suarez Garcia, y soy oriunda de Mosquera, Cundinamarca, Colombia. Me dedico activamente a la labor misionera como miembro de la organización JUCUM. Durante todo el año 2022, me entregué por completo a las misiones, comprometiéndome especialmente con el ministerio provida de esta organización. Además, estoy inmersa en mis estudios de derecho, actualmente cursando mi tercer semestre.

Contributors- French

  • Yohan Rakotoarison

    Yohan est un jeune étudiant qui poursuit sa deuxième année d’étude en Informatique. Il aime le voyage, pratiquer du sport et jouer aux jeux vidéo. La musique occupe une place importante dans sa vie, aux côtés de la religion et de l’intérêt pour la nature environnementale.

  • Carine Rakotoarison

    Carine est une jeune leader venant de Madagascar qui porte beaucoup d’intérêt au volontariat et l’altruisme. Actuellement, elle prépare son Master 2 en Droit Prive option Droit des Affaires à l’Université Catholique de Madagascar. Dans ses passe-temps, elle pratique la danse, de la natation et parfois de la randonnée.