Joins us as a blog contributor

The application for the 2024 IYc blog contributors is now open! If you have questions, please contact us at:

  • (for international applicants)

  • (for domestic applicants).

Join the Coalition

The International Youth Coalition provides a forum for young people from all around the world to discuss relevant issues in the defense of life and family values at the United Nations and other international organizations.

If you stand by the principles below, join us!

A coalition member is someone who recognizes that all humans are created in the image of God and possess inherent human dignity.

Principles that are of fundamental importance to our cause:

1. Respect for the family –The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the state.

2. Respect for Life – Life should be protected from conception until natural death.

3. Parents are the Primary Educators of Young People – Parents have the right and duty to educate their children.

4. Gender is Not a Social Construct – People are created male and female. While men and women are fully equal, they each have characteristics that are unique to their sex.