U.S. Capitol This Week Nov 13- 16

US Senate and House of Representatives

  • US Senator Tommy Tuberville has pledged to continue blocking senior military promotions until the US Department of Defense (DoD) revises its abortion policy which currently guarantees abortion access to all military personnel and their family members. Republicans criticize the DoD policy as it uses taxpayer funds to support abortion, a matter that many Americans oppose on ethical or religious grounds.

  • The House Republican leadership has canceled a floor vote on a budget bill (H.R.5854) for the Department of Health and Human Services. The bill specifies that funds cannot be used to carry out any program, project, or activity that promotes or advances Critical Race Theory, DEI trainings, or gender-affirming care procedures. The Freedom Caucus Chair Scott Perry (R-PA) was forced to push for the canceling of the vote as the bill faced significant pushback.

Federal Agencies

  • The National Institute of Health (NIH) is contemplating the removal of its commitment to "lengthen life". The agency proposed a new mission statement drafted in response to concerns that its existing mission is “ableist”. It is unclear whether the reason for the removal of the "lengthened life" provision had anything to to with a recommendation recevied from an NIH disability subgroup. Nevertheless, one speculation would be that this new proposal coincides with the broader progressive agenda to push for social acceptance of euthanasia.

Other Agencies

  • The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights had its 18th hearing, “Abortion Access in the United States”, to discuss limitations to abortion access in the United States after the ruling in the Dobbs decision. In June 2022, the US Supreme Court held that the Constitution of the United States does not confer a right to abortion. As a result, states can choose if they wish to enact a right to abortion. This hearing was requested by pro-abortion groups like Abortion Care Network, Center for Reproductive Rights, IPAS, and others. Check back next week when we have a full report on this hearing.

Emmanuele Da Ponte

Emmanuele Da Ponte joined the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) in the summer of 2023 as the Associate Director of Government Relations. He has two Bachelor of Arts degrees in Philosophy and History of the Social Sciences. His main focus is advising and building relationships with Congress and the United Nations to promote truly just legislation that defends and uphold human dignity and family rights.


U.S. Capitol This Week Nov 20- 23