U.S. Capitol This Week Feb 20-23

U.S. Department of State

Equity in Foreign Assistance

The U.S. Department of State has proposed two new rules aimed at ensuring “fairness” and “equal treatment” in foreign assistance programs. The first rule, labeled "Nondiscrimination in Foreign Assistance," would extend its reach to organizations and individuals receiving grants or subgrants from the State Department. The second rule, dubbed "Department of State Acquisition Regulation: Nondiscrimination in Foreign Assistance," would similarly apply to contractors and subcontractors.

Despite their seemingly benign intentions, these rules would burden all State Department foreign assistance contracts with controversial terms and clauses. 

Under the guise of inclusivity, the rules would force any organization receiving funds from the State Department, its employees, and contractors to align with a progressive gender ideology and abortion agenda. For example, a Christian health program offering health assistance to refugees might be asked to offer SRH services that they find morally objectionable. Otherwise, their objections might be interpreted as violating the “non-discrimination based on gender identity and sex characteristics” clause. The same standard could be applied to a health facility denying puberty blockers or other transgender interventions or an adoption services charity opposing giving a child off to a homosexual couple. Despite consciousness objections based on moral, religious grounds, these organizations could be flagged as discriminating based on sexual orientation or expression and could lose funding.

Another problematic term used in the regulations is "equitable access." The United States Strategy on Global Women’s Economic Security uses this term to direct the U.S. government to “expand access” to “sexual and reproductive health care,” which is understood to include abortion. 

US Department of State- Staff Email on “Inclusive” Language 

The National Review reported on an email correspondence from Anthony Blinken to the State Department Staff titled “Modeling DEIA: Gender Identity Best Practices.” According to the National Review reporting, Blinken asked the State Department staff to use gender-neutral terms and sign with one’s pronouns when writing emails to “support an inclusive work environment.” Blinken also suggested that words such as “mother/father,” “ladies and gentlemen,” “son/daughter” and “husband/wife” should be avoided. 

State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller confirmed the correspondence but tried to exonerate Blinken by saying that although the email had Blinken's name and signature on it, it did not necessarily come directly from the Secretary of State. 

Emmanuele Da Ponte

Emmanuele Da Ponte joined the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) in the summer of 2023 as the Associate Director of Government Relations. He has two Bachelor of Arts degrees in Philosophy and History of the Social Sciences. His main focus is advising and building relationships with Congress and the United Nations to promote truly just legislation that defends and uphold human dignity and family rights.


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